Thursday, March 27, 2008

Journal #16

I believe that my strategies could help me:

1.Thinking in English, I mean when you want to do something you say it for yourself. and for example I try when I want to drink a glass of water instead of saying "teshname, ye livaan aab mikhaam(Persian!)" say "I'm thirsty, I need a glass of water" ! It helps me to review my grammer and vocabulary.

2.Study!! during the spring break I have time for studying.I can study my vocabulary and grammer and don't waiste my time.

3.write journals, I think Mrs. Russel's strategy about writing is helps me to don't forget english, besides it's not as bad as a homework!

4.Speaking in English, All of my family are living in Orange county, and I have cousins that they born in United States, so I can speak in english with them and their american friends and it can help me to improve my speaking skills and help me think in English.

Journal #15 - Plans of spring break

So next week is spring break,right?Noooo!cause I have 2 classes on monday and wednesday next week and a lot of homeworks to do.but let's see... We have a party this saturday and I may go to beach on sunday with my cousins. I prefer to go to Laguna since i think Newport is a little boring and is better for swimming not having fun.and next week I may go to Disneyland in Anaheim; my friends told me it's really interesting but the parking bill is expensive so I think I should find some people to join us for dividing the parking price.I'd like to drink but I heard that drinking for people who are under 21 is against the law in California but I usually drink in family parties or with my cousins.and I may study vocabulary during this week cause I think I need a stronger vocabulary for my I'm confused, I don't know how to make a plan that I could have study and fun along each other.maybe I'd better to write things on my calender and make final decisions.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Journal #14 - Cultural identity

I think ordinary people don't have much stuffs to show they are unique. but each human has some personal abilities or personalities. I think nationality or race don't make us unique. some people ar asian,some caucasian,some black and... so I don't care cause everyone is human. I think education is the most important thing that can make someone unique.and second thing is someone with high character. everyone want to be unique in the world, so they want to have some fame. some people sing,act,study and exercise to become a unique person, someone who when is walking in the street everyone show him/her and say hey that singer!hey that actress!

so I am an ordinary person for now and i'd like to become a unique person by education and wealth. besides i use my country's symbols,tradions and politiness to show my culture. for example in Iran children respect adults much. when an old person or a woman come to a room people who are smaller and men should stand up for showing respect to the woman or the old guy. or during a party when someone wants to leave have to say goodbye to everyone one and one! besides I tried to learn persian dances,music and all related things to my country.I think as a teen we can't have much stuffs to be unique in the society.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Journal # 13 - Persian Hiphop music

Hiphop is one of the most popular genres of music around the world.included Rap,Reggae,R&B and etc, . Hiphop in Iran is a music that singers can say whatever they want about their lives.they sing about problems of people and society. Although the the government used to punish them since there is no freedom of speech in Iran. Otherwise some persian rappers sing about nasty things like using drugs,sex and night parties. So many people specially adults are not interested in persian rap music. In Iran persian rappers broadcasts their music online in persian rap websites. Some of rappers are very popular and make much money from their popularity and their musics. Yas is one of the most popular rappers that sings about persian society in Iran,patriotism,poverty and ancient persian poets such as Maulana. He has performed in Dubai,New York city and London. His voice is like a drug on peoples scars. Also CNN had an interview with him recently. Amir Tataloo is the king of persian R&B and who invented persian R&B for the first time. He sang with some popular rappers such az Hichkas(father of persian rap) , Pishro,Tohi,2afm & Rezaya,Zakhmi & Tighe.

Journal # 12

I often don't read books much and on the contrary of that I watch movies a I have a lot of favorite movies in american and persian of my most favorite movies is "Dead Poets Society" with starring Robbin Williams. I love this movie cause Robbin Williams roles as a poetry and literature teacher that he looks to the world from other the side and believes in different stuffs that ordinary people believe.all other teachers of the school are old, speak formal and are under the influence of hard discilplines of school, but Robbin Williams doesn't care about the rules and teaches the students in the way he wants. He encourages students to think about what they want, not what parents or other teacher want and he opens a new door in front of their eyes.

I love this movie because it taught me a lot of things for my path of life.